Research suggests certain wedding dates may not be so lucky

Griffin Law, PLLC
Sep 05, 2018

For couples planning to tie the knot in North Carolina, there are many important decisions to make, one of which is the actual date of the wedding. Some individuals insist on picking a wedding day they believe is “lucky” for one reason or another. However, researchers in Australia say that some popular wedding dates might not be so lucky after all.

After looking at situations involving a million married couples, researchers concluded that one of the most popular dates for weddings, Feb. 14, is actually the worst day to get married. Eleven percent of the couples studied who got married on Valentine’s Day ended up getting a divorce within five years. After almost a decade, 21 percent had untied the knot.

Valentine’s Day isn’t the only date that may be more of a curse than a blessing for couples. Researchers also noted that there were similar results seen with individuals preferring to get hitched on special number days, like Sept. 9, 1999, or Oct. 10, 2010. It’s speculated that the reason for these findings is because couples with their heart set on a specific date with special meaning may be more focused on having the perfect wedding than laying the groundwork for a healthy, happy marriage.

Getting married on a certain date is unlikely to be the only reason why a marriage comes to an end. Regardless of the circumstances involved, the divorce process may be less stressful for a soon-to-ex-spouse with assistance from a family law attorney. A lawyer may help a divorcing client explore options with acceptable spousal maintenance or alimony payments, child custody and the division of marital assets. In some situations, an attorney may attempt to negotiate an acceptable marital separation agreement before seeking intervention from the court.

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