Yearly Archives: 2022

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What happens to my custody agreement if I move to another state?

North Carolina judges make child custody decisions based on the best interests of the child. However, sometimes family situations change.…

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The goal of the field sobriety tests and why you may not pass

The Standardized Field Sobriety Test series consists of three different tests that law enforcement officers may ask you to take…

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Does an expungement wipe the slate clean?

A criminal record may impact you for years after you finish your sentence. Sometimes, it may bar you from getting…

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3 reasons you should not move out after separation

Once you and your spouse legally separate, you may wonder if you should move out of your marital residence. Even…

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What form of custody do studies support?

Generally speaking, choosing a form of child custody is one of the hardest parts of divorce discussions that parents going…

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When should you appeal a criminal conviction?

A criminal conviction is a big deal and an outcome that can permanently change your life’s trajectory. Dealing with the…

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Protecting yourself from the emotional trauma of divorce

A divorce can take its toll on your emotional health. The combination of stress, uncertainty and grief might begin a…

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How can parental alienation lead to a strained relationship?

When you and your children try to adjust to life after a divorce, you may wonder what the source of…

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The top 4 suggestions to help fathers succeed in custody battles

A concerned father may face a tougher battle regarding child custody decisions. Society traditionally views mothers as the natural caregiver,…

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About the Habitual DWI statute and the Governor’s DWI Initiative

Drivers with repeat convictions for driving while intoxicated (DWI) face harsh penalties in the state of North Carolina. One of…

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House and Senate discuss the MORE Act that removes marijuana ban

With more than half of the United States reconsidering their marijuana laws to include medical or recreational use, it is…

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Will the court allow you to move to a new state with your child?

Even if the child custody agreement that you and your ex-spouse have followed since your divorce is still working well,…

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