Sitcom star Tisha Campbell talks about financial implications of divorce

Griffin Law, PLLC
Dec 08, 2020

Like everyday residents of North Carolina or elsewhere, celebrities who are married and are parents often encounter challenges in their family relationships. When a famous couple decides to divorce, details of proceedings often wind up in news headlines. Many readers may find themselves relating to sitcom star Tisha Campbell’s story, who says her divorce sparked a serious financial crisis in her life.

Campbell was once married to actor, film producer and entrepreneur Duane Martin. Campbell has since spoken out about having spent years in an abusive relationship and how, since her divorce, she is happier than she has ever been in her adult life. However, Campbell also claims that her ex did not obey full disclosure rules during property division proceedings in her divorce. She says Martin purchased a house with money friends had loaned them, sold it for $1 million and pocketed the profits without disclosing it as marital property.

Campbell says she had approximately $7 to her name and that her two sons and strong support network she built around her family helped her get back on her feet. Since her divorce, Campbell’s career picked up again, and she says she is now in a much better place financially. She said she is grateful to her two sons for standing by her and being more concerned about her well-being than they were about financial luxuries.

Financial dishonesty is not an uncommon problem in the North Carolina divorce system. Celebrity or not, a concerned spouse who believes his or her ex is trying to hide assets or is not properly disclosing marital property to the court may seek immediate legal support by requesting a meeting with an experienced family law attorney. The court does not look favorably upon any person who tries to beat the system and may wind up ruling him or her in contempt if evidence is presented to show he or she was indeed trying to keep jointly owned assets out of property division proceedings.

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